Under atmosphere pressure, conducting PAn/ APU composite membranes are prepared by in-situ chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline onto anionic poly ( ether-urethane) membranes. 常压下,采用化学氧化现场吸附聚合法制备了聚苯胺/阴离子型聚氨酯导电复合膜。
The external pressure tubular moduel and PS PAN blended membranes were used in the study on the characteristics of hydraulic cleaning in crossflow membrane bioreactor. 采用外压管式聚砜-聚丙烯腈共混超滤膜进行错流膜生物反应器水力清洗特性研究。
However, since the reform and opening up was launched in1978, people have turned to electric cookers and pressure cookers, and pan tinkers are no longer part of their daily lives. 但是,自1978年改革开放以来,人民转而使用电饭锅,高压锅,补锅匠不再是他们日常生活所需的部分了。
A look-up table about standard plate thickness and lacing wire distribution was also presented, which was applicable on the occasion of 4.0 MPa inner pressure and ratio of inner circle radius and pan radius equal to 0.3. 最后给出内压为4.0MPa、内环半径为圆盘半径的30%的工况下,常用板厚与拉筋分布对照表,便于工程设计。
With the measurement of average sound pressure level and sound power level, the noise reduction result of the oil pan made by sandwich steel plate was proved. 通过平均声压级和声功率级的测试验证了复合钢板试制的油底壳的降噪效果。
The pressure of malaria was a direct cause of Pan Geng's moving the capital from Qufu of Shandong to Anyang of Henan and a important cause of the Yangtze River Valley's falling behind the Yellow River Valley in socio economic respect. 疟疾流行不仅是促使商王盘庚迁殷的直接原因,也是当时长江流域落后于黄河流域的重要原因;
The combination master tectonic characteristics, and mine tectonic coal development characteristics, coal, gas pressure changes the occurrence characteristics of several parameters characteristics reflect the characteristics of gas field, thus the occurrence characteristics of the pan a divided into three gas field geological unit. 结合矿井主控构造特征,以及构造煤发育特征、煤层赋存特征、瓦斯压力变化特征等几个参数特征反映井田瓦斯赋存特征,从而把潘一井田划分为三个瓦斯地质单元。